Pink Watermelon Lemonade Slushies

A fresh, colorful and deliciously refreshing drink

Pink Watermelon Lemonade Slushies

Memorial Day marks the return of things like running barefoot, sipping lemonade and chomping down on cold watermelon. It’s always a good weekend. Mix in these Pink Watermelon Lemonade Slushies and your weekend will go from good to great. These slushies are so refreshingly delicious…it’s hard to stop at just one!

It feels like Monday, but… it’s Tuesday!!

Love long weekends.

Especially the Memorial Day weekend.

The weather was horrible Saturday and Sunday, but Memorial Day… was perfect. A little cold for my liking, but that is the usual around here. I like it HOT. Like ninety degrees, sweat your butt off hot. It was more like sixty degrees, but the sun was shining and it felt summerish.

I’ll definitely take it.

So, I cut up my first watermelon over the weekend.

Ahh wait, now that I think about it, it was actually my second. The first one got used for these photos and was immediately eaten by my family. But this second one, oh my gosh, it was perfect. I pretty much ate it all by myself. It was actually so perfect that I went and bought two more. One more for eating and one more for lemonade.

What’s a hot summer day without a glass of freezing cold lemonade?

A not so fun one if you ask me.

No, but in all seriousness, growing up I never liked any kind of sugary drinks. When we went to Florida though my grandma would buy Fresca, and I have to say, I did love those, but other than that it was mostly just water…

Except in the summer.

In the summer, my brothers and I would make giant batches of pink lemonade. You know, the Country Time Pink Lemonade?? Basically a kid’s best friend during the summer months. I have given up my love for that sugary stuff that probably does not even contain any real lemons, but my brothers still love the stuff.

When temperatures would get really hot, we would break out the blenders and make slushies.

It’s just ice and lemonade, but it was the best thing to us.

So that is what I made today.

Except this time I left out the Country Time and made things way better. Naturally pink lemonade that tastes a little like watermelon, AND is made with fresh lemons? Oh yeah, that beats Country Time any day in my book.

I brought these out to my dad and brothers who were down at the barn tearing up concrete (Ahh, yes!) and they downed them. Perfect thirst-quenching summer drink.

Oh, and my older brother Brendan, he highly recommends adding a little vodka, because hey, that’s just what adults do.

If you make these Pink Watermelon Lemonade Slushies be sure to leave a comment and/or give this recipe a rating! Above all, I love to hear from you guys and always do my best to respond to each and every comment. And of course, if you do make this recipe, don’t forget to also tag me on Instagram! Looking through the photos of recipes you all have made is my favorite!


  • 1 cup granulated sugar
  • 5-6 cups cold water
  • 8 cups cubed watermelon
  • 1 cup freshly squeezed lemon juice


  • 4 cups ice
  • 1 1/2 cups Florida's Natural® Brand Lemonade with Raspberry and Peach
  • 1 tablespoon fresh mint or basil optional

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